Build your team’s DEI knowledge, for an inclusive workplace culture

Creating an inclusive culture ensures all employees flourish and your organisation attracts the best talent. But culture change isn’t easy.

Support your people by boosting their inclusion knowledge, understanding and confidence, to create long-term embedding of your new workplace environment.

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Upskill to accelerate change

Improving the DEI capability of your people at all levels, is an essential step in encouraging buy-in & ownership of DEI across your organisation.

By creating safe spaces to ask questions and learn to a high standard, employees will have the DEI knowledge and skills to recognise non-inclusive behaviour and take action to challenge and change it.

Our bespoke learning solutions are based on your organisation’s inclusion maturity, meaning that they address the immediate needs of the learning population as well as providing insight to the next steps and ensuring continuous development.  

After developing skills and change behaviours with our learning solutions, our accreditation programme builds confidence and sets a quality benchmark within your organisation.

We ran 126 workshops and reached more than 2000 leaders with inclusive leadership alone in 2023.

What is DEI training?

Diversity, equity and inclusion training, also known as DEI training, is designed to educate and encourage behaviours in the workplace that increase positive interactions between employees.

It promotes constructive dialogues around DEI equipping all employees with the language and confidence to have DEI conversations and to recognise and challenge non-inclusive behaviours.

Clear Learning

Creating an inclusive culture ensures all employees flourish and your organisation attracts the best talent.

Our diversity and inclusion training courses are based on 20 years of experience and feedback shows that learning is an essential part of long-term behavioural change.

Trusted Partners

The Clear Company takes a partnership approach to all client interactions.

We work closely with our clients, building internal capability through the partnership, to help you achieve your DEI goals & build sustainability into embedding further DEI actions.

As trusted partners, we can be relied upon to apply an DEI lens to programme scoping and be a critical friend; we believe in constructive challenge to drive progressive thinking.

Ultimately, we work to identify strategic and tactical interventions that achieve, and often exceed, the desired outcomes. 

Clear Learning principles

Innovative, memorable DEI training designed to challenge, upskill & achieve best practices at all levels:

  • A combination of theoretical and skills-based learning

  • Relatable content that everyone can apply to their role

  • Encourages personal action planning and accountability

  • Caters for all levels of DEI maturity, knowledge and experience

  • Accredited programmes approach – testing knowledge transfer to reinforce the impact of the programme

  • Post Learning support for those requiring additional guidance or coaching.

Our supportive, expert-led DEI training programmes:

  • Enable all employees to confidently challenge processes and implement authentic cultural change

  • Improve leadership and management skills equipping team leaders at all levels in managing diverse teams

  • Enable HR teams to address behaviours in the workplace, ensuring that all employees understand legal and organisational expectations, as well as how to address unacceptable behaviour.

Holistic Transformation

Through our holistic and transformational change model, we: 

Our range of tools

Workshops – In-house and Open Courses

Workshops are delivered in an engaging and interactive way that allows participants to dive deep into the content in a safe and supported environment.

The workshops make it possible for delegates to practice the skills they are learning- enabling them to move to action more easily outside of the workshop environment.  


As an addition, the Clear Company offers coaching options.

It is recognised that the journey to more inclusive leadership and management is an individual one and therefore our coach-led and digital coaching offering can support participants in a tailored way.

Group coaching may also be utilised where there is a common learning journey.   


Webinars can be an efficient, impactful way for leaders & managers to join live, or listen to a recorded version.

This allows our team to bring content to life, and address questions & challenges experienced.  


Access to a wide range of resources allow all delegates to self-serve on aspects of DEI that the Clear Company will identify & direct, to support your organisation’s learning journey. 

Digital learning

The Clear Company can offer both bespoke and off-the-shelf digital modules.

Our current offer includes DEI foundations, inclusive recruitment, evidence-based decision making, allyship and managing non-inclusive behaviours in the workplace.

Our e-learning is built to the highest accessible standards using WCAG 2.0 guidance. 

Our methodology

The Clear Company understand that transformational culture change for our clients is achieved through: 

  • a tailored and focused approach aligned to the objectives of the organisation 

  • practical and pragmatic content 

  • measurable impact and return on investment 


Our unique approach has seen results in tangible improvements to workplace culture through prompting changes to everyday actions, embedding evidence-based decision making and challenging non-inclusive behaviours.  

I want to challenge myself now to educate myself more”

“Open and honest environment”

“Well-delivered course with great real life examples”

“Practical implementation of inclusive practices - much more than just a presentation. it was a really practical exercise on how to use these skills!
— Learning course participants 2023 & 2024