Deliver inclusive culture transformation, with experts by your side

You want to achieve meaningful, effective inclusive culture change across your business, but you would like a specialist partner by your side who can guide you every step of the way.

We have 20+ years experience of doing just that. Find out more about some of the specific ways we can enable you to deliver culture transformation.


Why are policies important?

Policies have the power to drive diverse, inclusive and equitable organisations.  Updating existing policies through an inclusion lens is a great way to set tone and governance for organisational inclusion.

Policies play a fundamental role in structuring organisational practice and crafting a culture of inclusion because employees across the business (from new starters to senior management) will refer to them for help and to understand processes, which ultimately influences decision making.

Producing policies that are accessible with a tone of trust and compassion will encourage employees to not only act inclusively (in line with process), but also feel safe and included.

Product options

Policy renovation

Policy drafting

Policy templates

Policy reviews

What kinds of policies can we support you with?

We have included the list of our core policies below, however, we are able to work on any policy you have in your organisation, and have supported clients on policies such as a Human Rights Policy, Nepotism Policy, Gifting policy etc.  

  • Adjustments Policy  

  • Agile/Flexible Working Policy 

  • Anti-Racism Policy  

  • Bullying and Harassment Policy (including manager conversation form) 

  • Capability Policy  

  • Carers Policy (including Carers Passport)  

  • Disciplinary Policy 

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy 

  • Domestic Abuse Policy 

  • Family Leave Policy (including, maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental leave, parental leave, fertility treatment & baby loss) 

  • Grievance Policy  

  • LGBTQ+ Policy (including Transgender and gender rights) 

  • Menopause Policy  

  • Recruitment Policy 

  • Wellbeing Policy (inc. mental health)  

Anti-racism maturity model

The Clear Company developed the Anti-Racism Maturity Model as a comprehensive framework designed to evaluate an organisation's progress in becoming anti-racist. ​

This forms the basis of our 3 As solution to anti-racism enabling us to assess, direct and support clients on their anti-racism journey. 

Your organisation and the experience of employees of colour are assessed through four lenses:


Examines the quality of interactions among individuals within your organisation and how psychologically safe employees of colour are feeling.​


Reviews how actively your organisation fosters an inclusive culture, celebrate racial diversity and supports employee resource groups.​


Measures the commitment to anti-racist efforts at the senior level and how they hold themselves accountable for creating a racially equitable workplace.​


Assesses structural policies & practices, examining areas such as recruitment, promotion, pay equity to determine if there are any systemic barriers or biases that need to be addressed.​

Employee survey and score ​

Tailored to employees from the global majority, this is a points-based survey that gives an automatic race maturity score.

The aggregate is then added to your audit score to give a final race maturity ranking, showing where you have performed best. ​

HR survey providing an organisational score​

Sent to the key stakeholder to provide answers and evidence that we can easily analyse to determine a race maturity score. ​

This reduces the amount of desk research required and the focus would be on checking the evidence against the answers provided. ​

Leadership Assessment  and score ​

A mixture of survey questions and funnelled desk research determines leadership race maturity score. 

Inclusive performance, talent management & reward

Whilst many organisations have focused on inclusive recruitment, reviewing performance and promotion processes and alignment to reward through a culture and DEI lens often attract less focus.

Specifically we look at any barriers to progression, how potential is identified and developed, how performance is managed and appraised and how employees are promoted and rewarded.

·     Recognising the potential for adverse impact in traditional performance and talent processes such as 9 box grid approaches

·     Understanding how to create evidence-based processes that assess colleagues as unique individuals

·     Equipping HR and people professionals with the knowledge and skills to influence the business to create change

·     Monitoring performance and talent processes for adverse impact – and critically how to take action

·     Reviewing pay gaps, pay decision making and benefit provision

·     Recognition - from formal schemes through to informal recognition to understand levels of inclusivity and transparency.

Supplier diversity

Supplier diversity is a proactive business strategy that promotes the inclusion of diverse owned organisations in procurement activities across the company.  

Supplier diversity aims to ensure your goods or services are being provided by diverse suppliers; those which are at least 51% owned and run by those from a minority background, for example ethnic minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community or disabled people.  

In addition, supplier diversity is a vehicle to positively influence DEI in an organisation’s supply chain and industry. 

Building an inclusive supply chain is essential for organisations that want to broaden their supply ecosystem and deliver their corporate social responsibility agenda while satisfying customers’ demands for meaningful DEI action.

We help you build and implement strategies for advancing supplier diversity to strengthen your competitive position whilst increasing and championing DEI across your supply chain.

Common supplier diversity challenges we hear

We don’t know where to start to create a supplier diversity strategy

We need further stakeholder buy-in and alignment to deliver the strategy 

We want to implement inclusive procurement processes but are unclear on the gaps or best practices 

Our customers are asking us to report on our diverse spend and supplier diversity initiatives

How do we implement DEI standards for our suppliers?

How we help our clients

Creating and successfully implementing a supplier diversity program requires a strategic approach coupled with an understanding of Procurement as well as DEI.

The Clear Company can help you to build inclusive supply chain strategies covering each component of your program: 

  • Current state assessment

  • Develop a strategy with impact

  • Strategy implementation

  • Raising the inclusion standards of your entire supply chain

Disability confident

Improving disability inclusion starts with building disability confidence. We offer a range of solutions from audit to strategy, policy drafting to awareness measurement tools, team learning to leadership training.

Increase awareness & confidence

We offer training and development solutions for Disability Awareness, Disability Confidence and Neuro-inclusion in Practice.  

Upskill managers

We offer training on safe conversations and reasonable adjustments, Digital Coaching on Disability and Inclusive Leadership and Management development solutions.  

Implement a consistent, structured framework

We provide guidance, reviews and policy templates across disability, reasonable adjustments, flexible working and wellbeing documents and processes, which can be accessed through our Global D&I Accreditation Clear Assured or via ad hoc requests. We also offer expert consultancy and disability inclusion strategy development to ensure the steps you take will help disabled people thrive in your organisation.  

Disability Confidence assessments

We take a partnership approach to your DC assessment, starting with a scheduled call to hear about your organisations approach to disability, the story so far and your future plans.

We review your self-assessment in detail, validating it with our feedback and providing (where needed) an action plan of considerations for you before you complete your online submission.

Kate Headley is the Executive Sponsor for Disability Inclusion at the Clear Company, and the current Government Disability and Access Ambassador.

Kate serves on the external ‘Panel of Experts’ to the UK Cabinet Office as well as being a founder partner of The Government’s Disability Confident Scheme and founder and Chair of the Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative (RIDI).

Kate is the current Disability & Access Ambassador for the Recruitment Industry, appointed by the Cabinet Office in January 2022.

She was nominated to the Disability Power 100 in 2019 & 2020, and in 2022 was selected to be the part of the inaugural 50 over Fifty exhibition.   

When it comes to disability there is a common fear of getting it wrong, which is stopping people and organisations from making progress.

We want to encourage & support people to just start!
— Kate Headley, Executive Director, the Clear Company