Lead workplace culture change

If you want to achieve authentic, long-lasting culture change, it has to be understood and championed by your leaders.

From inclusive hiring to inclusive leadership, instilling these skills in your leaders will maximise wellbeing, productivity and innovation across your people.

Home > Solutions > Lead workplace culture change with our Inclusive Hiring & Leadership programmes

Close up of the head, arms & torso of a Black man in his thirties sitting at a desk. He clasps his hands in front of his face, with his elbows on the desk. Wearing a headset, he is looking downwards, perhaps at a screen out of sight, smiling widely

Inclusive Hiring

Our Inclusive Hiring programme helps your organisation establish a consistent hiring standard and implement an inclusive hiring process.

The key objectives of the programme include: 

  • Gaining a clear awareness of what hiring biases are and how to reduce and challenge them

  • Creating inclusive job descriptions

  • Finding diverse talent

  • How to conduct best practice inclusive interviews

  • Inclusive interview questioning and note taking

  • How to make inclusive hiring decisions 

  • Becoming a disability confident recruiter.

Here's what some of our accredited attendees quoted as the most important thing they learnt from the programme:

"Understanding what unintentional biases to look out for when interviewing."

"Widening my knowledge; I now feel confident to share my knowledge to the wider business."

"How easy it is to have bias in places where I never previously knew that I might. Very good to take away and put into practice in my role."

"The importance of structuring interviews the same for each interviewee."

The head, arms and torso of a woman in her thirties with light brown skin and straight, black hair. She is wearing large headphones and a black v-neck top. Her elbows rest on the wooden desk she's sat at, as she engages with her laptop screen.
A corporately dressed Caucasian woman in her 50s sits at a conference table mid speech, with her arms gesturing out in front of her.

Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leadership is defined by the ability of leaders to champion diversity across their organisations.

Whilst a diverse leadership team is an important part of a company’s inclusiveness, the key to inclusive leadership is leading the charge towards cultural change within the business, and inspiring innovative thinking to bring about that shift. 

Measuring inclusion

In order to assess the changes needed within an organisation, it’s important to measure the current levels of inclusion as a starting point.

This forms a part of our Clear Audit process, which allows us to dissect the areas where leadership can become more inclusive.

Action-focused training plans

The findings from our audits allow us to create clear, action-focused training plans to address the missing links in a diverse, inclusive leadership team. Our team have extensive experience in designing and delivering bespoke, inclusive leadership training.

Our training course expands the knowledge, skills, and confidence of leaders in developing diversity and inclusion initiatives that benefit the wider team. We also focus on how inclusive behaviours help to build greater trust and empathy amongst colleagues and contribute to an improved workplace experience for all. This is essential in times of stability and crisis alike. 

Inclusive results

With the successful implementation of our analysis and training plans, we can help you:

  • Inspire creativity, innovation and ideas within your business.

  • Maximise team performance.

  • Improve employee retention and lower the cost of hiring.

  • Reduce the probability of irrational ‘group think’ style decisions.

  • Embed authentic inclusion into policy and practice.

Our Inclusive Leadership training has received an average feedback score of 4.6/5