Implement workplace adjustments with ease with ClearTalents

Workplace adjustments aren’t just for those with disabilities. Find out how ClearTalents’ DEI software dismantles barriers to potential so that all your people are supported to thrive.

A proactive approach to workplace adjustments is vital for creating an inclusive culture. It shows that everyone is welcome in your organisation as their authentic self, and that adjustments are a normal part of everyday working life.

ClearTalents DEI platform makes the adjustments process straightforward for organisations of all sizes.

Without ClearTalents: time consuming, unstructured, unsupported.

  • Onus is on employees to advocate for themselves

  • Employees may worry about being seen as difficult, demanding or less competent by requesting adjustments

  • Employees are expected to know what adjustments they require

  • If the employee is unsure, their manager is expected to know the solution

  • If the employee changes teams or departments, the process has to start again with their new manager.

With ClearTalents: proactive, streamlined, inclusive.

  • All employees are invited proactively to share any conditions, circumstances or challenges

  • Employees do not have to know the solution to their challenges, nor do they need a formal diagnosis

  • Managers and HR professionals are given expert advice on the most proactive ways to make accommodations that suit each individual

  • The record of agreed adjustments can be ported with them if they move throughout the organisation.


The average cost of a reasonable adjustment per person. Many are cheaper or even free.


of disabled employees initiated their adjustment process, rather than their organisation.

More solutions from ClearTalents

Bullying & harassment passports

An easy tool for ensuring compliance with the Worker Protection Act 2023, the passport allows employees to confidentially report bullying and harassment of any kind, whenever it happens.

This helps your organisation to identify and address potential issues before they escalate, maintaining an inclusive and psychologically safe culture.

Workstation profiles

Whether they’re working from home or in the office, your employees need workspaces free from any discomfort or risks.

ClearTalents’ workstation profiles provide simple video guidance for setting up a DSE compliant workstation and a reporting process for issues that need further support to solve.