Supporting Employees With Mental Health

Each year, World Mental Health Day serves as a reminder to include mental health and wellbeing in the discussions we have about health. At the Clear Company we know from experience that creating awareness and the opportunity to have open conversations is an important factor in building a people focused wellbeing strategy that recognises the wide spectrum of illnesses and conditions that affect mental health.

Here are some top tips to help employers signpost their support for employees who are currently dealing with mental health problems.  

  • Engage with the topic. Create discussions around it and provide the space for employees willing to share their experience to talk about it. Psychological safety –the conditions that create a feeling of safety allowing people to express their thoughts and beliefs without fear of repercussion- is essential in allowing individuals to share their worries and seek help. Mental health may be a hard topic for some to talk about, but do not shy away from addressing it directly; talking about resilience without addressing mental health is a common mistake. 

  • Carry out an audit of your wellbeing policy. Supportive language and an encouraging tone can go a long way in encouraging people to ask for help or for any adjustments. Making sure that the adjustments are also available for neurodivergent individuals –including those dealing with mental health issues- allows for all involved parties to make well-informed decisions. 

  • Communicate effectively. Frank discussions help to raise awareness, gather feedback, and identify areas of opportunity. ERGs can often provide valuable insight and help bring an intersectional approach to actions and initiatives.  

An accessible approach will support all of the above and reiterate the importance you place on mental health and wellbeing. For example, a visible spot on your internal website with links to resources, policies, and processes.   

Engaging all employees and giving voice to all lived experiences enables organisations to create policies and processes that reflect their own journey to create an inclusive world of work. 


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