International Transgender Day of Visibility

Today, on International Transgender Day of Visibility (ITDV), the Clear Company are celebrating trans people and the contributions of the trans community to a more inclusive world of work, and our societies as a whole.

Visibility of trans people becomes ever so important in light of the growing resistance to transgender rights in the UK and worldwide. For our trans colleagues, clients, and friends, living as their true self and unapologetically expressing who they are still poses a challenge and often even a danger.  

It is more important than ever that a consistent and unified approach that places inclusion at its heart enables developments often overdue in the word of work such as physical accessibility, psychological safety, and equitable career opportunities. Continuous visibility of the community’s achievements is central to maintaining progress.  

From US-American activists Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera – the great trans mothers to all LGBTQ+ people who came afterwards - to the British Emmy-awarded composer Angela Morley, and April Ashley who was awarded the MBE for her service to trans equality, as well as Christine Goodwin whose determination to pursue her legal rights led to the Gender Recognition Act 2004; trans individuals have been and continue to be present in all aspects of life. They have been fiercely fighting for their right to be their true selves and as a consequence contribute to a more equitable society. Their openness, perseverance and fight for everyone’s right to respect, equality and equity continues to inspire and drive positive change.  

The Clear Company know that empowering organisations to make inclusive long term change will build on progress already made by the trans community within the world of work and allow us to remember those who have paved the way.  


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