Client success stories & insightful articles from our expert consultants.

Case Studies

Clear Assured and Chaucer Group

“Clear Assured set a very high bar and to be recognised with Gold status shows our hard work is bearing fruit. It’s given us confidence that our initiatives really are making a difference.” - Richard Milner, CEO

Leading reinsurance group, Chaucer, attained Clear Assured Gold accreditation in 2024.

Balancing Policy and Culture: Creating Psychological Safety and Embedding Respect in the Workplace

When it comes to psychological safety in the workplace, knowing that non-inclusive behaviours will be challenged is paramount. A whopping 89% of employee respondents to one survey* said they believe that psychological safety in the workplace is essential. And that’s no surprise; it underpins everything from wellbeing and mental health to physical health and safety, as well as having a huge impact on how valued your employees feel.

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Workplace culture, Policies & processes Gareth Headley Workplace culture, Policies & processes Gareth Headley

Changing your business? Think culture first.

Businesses are almost universally experiencing a period of significant change, but how many of them are prioritising their culture at the heart of these changes? When it comes to transformation, only about one in four transformations actually achieve long-term success - and a major cause of failure? Not looking at culture first.

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How to Foster Inclusivity in Performance Reviews

Performance reviews offer a valuable chance for self-evaluation, feedback, and alignment between employees and their managers. However, challenges like bias, lack of clarity and insufficient manager training can hinder fair evaluations. We share six strategies for fostering inclusivity during your performance reviews.

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Impostor Syndrome – Empowering Diverse Talent in International Assignments

Impostor syndrome – doubting your own skills and abilities, even feeling a fraud – remains a significant factor that organisations need to address. This is especially true for talent from under-represented communities and when it comes to international assignments, the challenge grows.

Explore some of the ways your organisation can make your international assignments more accessible to, and inclusive of diverse talent.

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